tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Daniel Mullins Games

Daniel Mullins impresses again with this LD55 Compo winner. A clever jury-packing mechanic, noir storyline, unique characters and a polished design, Voir Dire explores its potential over about 15 minutes. Definitely worth playing to the end!

Boba is an incremental gamejam entry, but it’s from Daniel Mullins… so you should know to expect the unexpected. Not much can be said without spoiling it, and it’s only about 10-15 minutes, so just play it. Love.

Deckbuilding roguelite escape room ARG. An inspiring masterpiece & wonderfully executed ode to card/videogames. If you’re into that kind of thing, it’s a must play. So, so impressive. Mullins is nuts.

A fantastic 10-15 minute experience, with impressive art considering its gamejam roots. A typically strange story and game from Mullins, with his classic dark tension and humour.

Won’t be for everyone, but very clever and funny. By the same guy as ‘Pony Island’, and just as crazy and fourth-wall-breaking. Some parts are a little tedious (probably intended), but a great game.

Short but utterly brilliant. Go in blind, but be prepared for a very strange, funny and unique experience.