tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Capcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2 continues the legacy of its predecessor with expansive open-world exploration and super dynamic combat. I would’ve liked a bit more enemy variety, and the overall narrative is slightly underwhelming, but neither materially impacted my enjoyment. It certainly has its quirks, but after giving myself over to it, I experienced a sense of adventure not felt since BOTW or Elden Ring.

I’m not a fighting games expert, but SF6 is pretty to look at and fun to play. By all accounts, also manages to bring some balance and spirit back to the franchise, appeasing newcomers and pros alike.

A new vision for the franchise, retaining all the self-aware clichés and insufferable characterisation. Gameplay wise, silly & super fun. Bonkers atmosphere and world. Bosses are sometimes a letdown.

A simplified and more arcadey MH:W. Combat feels a bit more dynamic, navigation and traversal is easier/better, story is still mediocre. A good port considering its origins, and a pretty good game.

Distills the tenets of the franchise and starts fresh with the foundations of terror in a captivating setting. Now in first-person, the atmosphere is even scarier. A classic for fans of the genre.

The classic familiar-but-new the franchise is now known for, and potentially the spookiest it’s been. Not really for me, but if you’re into horror, it’s an instant classic.

If you like this franchise, you’ll almost certainly love this. The usual mindless fun in spades. UI and some mechanics are often overwhelming in volume, and combat is typically spammy and forgiving.

I struggled with this after not being able to get invested in the characters/world, being frustrated by overbearing UI & interruptions, and the fact that combat seems based entirely around endurance.

I’m not and have never been a fighting games expert, so feel ill-equipped to critique SFA3 mechanically, but it’s the one I spent the most time on. Awesome lineup, great styling, hella fun.