tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Blizzard Entertainment

At a time, Overwatch was a paradigm-shifting juggernaut: beautiful art, Blizzard-at-its-best character & world design, and satisfying gunplay. More recently, this so-called sequel is a soulless shell and testament to bad management.

Tone, visuals, atmosphere and music are back to Diablo’s dark roots. Unfortunately the pacing, activities and uneven design quality (not to mention monetisation) become old pretty quickly. Feels more like a checklist than an epic journey, but it’ll probably be a good game in a year or two.

At launch, fresh and exciting. A level of polish and characterisation not really seen in PVP-focused shooters before. Devolved a bit over time, seemingly driven by meta enforcement, unsure whether to target the pro or casual scene.

A nostalgic but fresh and seemingly-casual approach to card games. Early on it was approachable, diverse and very fun. As time went on, P2W became more present, and complexity-creep sucked a lot of the fun.

Hate some of the story choices, not keen on the saturated styling & VFX, but undeniably fun and addictive. I spent hundreds of hours just looking for Cosmic Wings and never got them… and I’d do it again.

The coolest Diablo game. Genre defining. Unmatched atmosphere and immersion for the franchise. You’d likely only go back for nostalgia nowadays, but it’s a remarkable achievement and pretty much perfect. 𖤐

What is now one of the most recognisable franchises all began here. I didn’t play anywhere near as much of it as its sequels, but for its a time; a captivating, dark and immersive world, addictive loop and intense combat. Timeless classic.