tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: 505 Games

Good remake. The poignant story, as well as the varied and unique gameplay from the original are all here, and are still great. There are obviously massive visual improvements, and a few QoL things, making it a perfect entrypoint for those who’ve not played it before. Otherwise, unless you’re obsessed with the original, you’re probably good to sit it out.

As discovered by a sleuth on Reddit, and soon thereafter seemingly confirmed by a (since removed) tshirt store listing, Hideo Kojima is partnering with A24 on a live action Death Stranding film. Details about the adaptation remain undisclosed, but Kojima has previously stated that if this were to ever happen, he would be deeply involved in production. Absolutely no idea how this would work, and not super keen on it given how much of the point of the game - moreso than most, IMO - is… you know, the player interacting with it, but we’ll see! Update: Confirmation and more info has been provided by Kojima Productions.

Everything from the first one has been energised and elevated to the next level. Fluid, engaging combat combined with smooth and expressive movement make for a challenging-but-rewarding loop through which you’ll happily die and reset… a lot. Some new mechanics are a little janky, and the story isn’t particularly gripping, but overall an exhilarating time that doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Feels like a roguelite Borderlands. Starts slow but ramps up in difficulty nicely. Way more fun with friends. I wish combat had a bit more depths and more detailed stats, but it’s a nice little game.

If you like Katana Zero or Hotline Miami, but wished they were in 3d (and had grapping & wallrunning), you’ll love this. Challenging but not punishing, and very fun. Great to look at too.

A very fun and extremely beautiful metroidvania-like exploration/adventure game which somehow feels a little unrewarding at times. Co-op is a bit of fun but don’t expect it to be an ongoing staple.

A short little linear exploration game which is as beautiful as it is relaxing. Fantastic attention to detail and a carefully crafted atmosphere. Hard to not say “Journey but it’s underwater”.

Slow yet short, mostly-linear space “walking simulator”. Great to look at with elements of intrigue, but ultimately feels a bit like a tech demo. Very buggy at times. Much more compelling in VR.

Interesting but understandably polarising little papercraft Diablo-esque…roguelike… looter? Tonnes of ideas on display here and worth checking out. It’s fine. Fine…

GOTY contender. Visually absolutely stunning, and incredibly cinematic with outstanding direction. Combat is surprisingly fluid and visceral. Story and characters are engaging. Really, really good.