tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

A classic modern and hugely influential roguelike which will make you love/hate RNG like almost no other. Strikes a great balance of simplicity and underlying complexity. Almost certainly a classic.


Short, slow and memorable; Gone Home is somewhat overhyped, but important and well designed regardless. Best to go in absolutely blind.

Very creative and fun, Episode is varied and a great example of Valve being in the zone. A great albeit tantalising ā€œconclusionā€ evidently leaving the world wanting more. Google and read ā€œEpistle 3ā€!

An instant classic that dared to expand the lore of its predecessor to intriguing depths and flex how physics can be fun in videogames. Virtually flawless game design.

The one that changed the game. The impact of Half-Life is immeasurable, but Iā€™ll always look back and be thankful for that intro train sequence, knowing that all the new games I like learned from it.

An interesting & dynamic adventure. Short and cryptic, it leans more into interactive horror storytelling than depth of gameplay; itā€™s an interesting premise, but a bit anticlimactic and forgettable.

Potentially one of the most bizarre and funny games you will ever play. I wish there were more short, surreal braindump games like this.