tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Very on rails, but very satisfying and fun. Repetitive at times, but does what it sets out to do very well: tell a decent story and make you feel like a badass.

A great 2D side-scrolling soulslike. At times the difficulty feels a little artificial, but overall a solid experience with well crafted mechanics and world.

Fun co-op puzzle platforming. Creative and funny, it’s worth it if even for a single session with a friend.

I didn’t know what to expect and I suggest you go in blind too. Unique, heartfelt and wildly compelling, this story and the way it is told is nothing short of a masterpiece.

A multiplayer fighting-game often confused with a soulslike. While you can feel its influence, this is at heart a masterfully crafted fighting-game with a great aesthetic and tonnes of depth.