tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

The juggernaut that is GTA V is of course grander in ambition and scale, but I still think this is a better game. Cars handle a little strange at times, but everything else here is a masterclass.

Has aged relatively well, but is obviously far simpler and indeed… quite easy. Humble beginnings for what grew into a lumbering titan of the industry.

FMV investigation game in which one can become completely absorbed. A unique and compelling experience helped along by good writing and acting. Definitely worth a playthrough.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

A really great concept inside a a simple and elegantly delivered mood piece. Won’t be for everyone, but deserves appreciation for achieving its emotional and experiential goals.

Charming little PI/detective noir visual novel point-n-click with a well executed, minimal aesthetic. Stellar soundtrack. Ultimately pretty straight forward, but not necessarily a bad thing.

A short little linear exploration game which is as beautiful as it is relaxing. Fantastic attention to detail and a carefully crafted atmosphere. Hard to not say “Journey but it’s underwater”.

Slow yet short, mostly-linear space “walking simulator”. Great to look at with elements of intrigue, but ultimately feels a bit like a tech demo. Very buggy at times. Much more compelling in VR.

Improves upon almost everything of its predecessor. All the tropes are here, but they still feel interesting at this point. Bursting with ambition and mostly delivers.

Fun game. Gorgeous setting and a pretty good story. Has some pacing issues, but one of if not the best AC games. Just wish it was a little harder.