Sub Rosa was a wild ride through the streets of Reservoir Dogs and Heat, and all your friends are there. Now sadly abandoned in early access, the streets are empty. A real shame.
Mechanically quite dated, but a classic of its era. If you didn’t play it back then, this is a really solid remaster. Enemies are bullet-spongey and sometimes track you too well, but it’s still great.
Creepy and suspenseful, it’s a classic just like its predecessor. If you like immersive, scary RPGs, and don’t mind some dated systems, play it.
A simple premise executed virtually to perfection. As its description says, more of a toy than a ‘full game’, but it’s short, relaxing and fun. No unlockables, no story, just ramps.
Lots of fun puzzles to solve in a wholesome little world full of great art and atmosphere. Simple, relaxing and whimsical, it takes me back to games I played as a kid.
When I was young and my parents were out, I’d take my dad’s work laptop, hook up the phone cord, and using MSN dial-up, download custom units and maps for Total Annihilation. Fantastic game.
A relatively chill and refreshing take on the factory game. Understandably doesn’t have the depth of some of its larger-team contemporaries. Short and a little buggy, but it’s good for what it is.
Your IRL blinking is a core mechanic of this game - very cool concept. That aside, this game is a cathartic and artistic journey and as often as it’s on sale, a real steal.
It’s a rhythm-based shooter which means you’ll have to be kinda-into the music, and be willing to concentrate that hard. Achieves what it sets out to, and from the trailer you’ll know if it’s for you.