tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Impossibly good looking, creative worldbuilding & visual design, considering its a studio debut. Combat is cool, exploration is OK, puzzles are varied and good. English VA is intolerable. Pretty cool.

Starts off small in scope, but somehow just keeps expanding and delighting. Great characters, art, music and satisfying gameplay loop/s. Constantly surprising and funny.

Full of potential and has glimmers of greatness, but ultimately lands somewhere between dull and painful.

I’m very bad at & never really liked driving games, but this is fun. Arcadey, but lots of depth and customisation for those interested. The open world approach is super cool, and there’s lots to do.

A clever concept well executed. Not a huge fan of the music and characters, but if you’re into rhythm games generally, this is a smart and engaging addition to the genre.

A simplified and more arcadey MH:W. Combat feels a bit more dynamic, navigation and traversal is easier/better, story is still mediocre. A good port considering its origins, and a pretty good game.

Fun and creative little puzzle game with great art - perhaps shorter than some would like, but a cool game exploring its base concept nicely nonetheless.

Interesting concept. Hard to get your head around at first, but allows for some cool, satisfying play once you do. That said, ultimately a bit hard to find the fun, at least with any longevity.

Everything I wanted from a monster hunting game on paper, but suffers from less than satisfying movement, particularly over janky world geometry. Needs more content, but could be really good.

Almost impenetrably opaque to begin with, but if you can stick with the overwhelming UI & novel concept, it’s phenomenally creative and impressive. Super expressive, crazy-high skill ceiling. Awesome.